The Birth Pool in a Box is an inflatable birthing pool designed with your comfort in mind. With three separate inflatable chambers, handles in all the right places, and a size comfortably designed for the birthing process, you can welcome your new baby with ease. Baby Birth Pools offers the Regular and Mini Birth Pool in a Box, with specifications as follows:


The Regular and Mini pool are similar in all specifications except length and width. If you are over 5’6” you may find that the Mini pool is too small to comfortably assume positions conducive to labour and birth, such as leaning on the sides facing out with legs extended out behind. The Regular sized pool may be better for you if your partner wants to join you in the pool, no matter what your height is. On the other hand, if space is limited in your birthing room, the Mini pool may be better even if you are over 5’6”. Your midwife may also have a preference as to which pool she finds more comfortable to assist you with your birth.

Several advantages of the pool also include:
• Internal Seat – perfect to rest on while bonding with your newborn
• Flush seams on the top wall, with no rough flaps
• Top and external handles – to help you control your movement in the water
• White floor – as recommended by midwives to enhance visibility
• Opaque external wall – increase your sense of privacy
• Adjustable height – with three separately inflatable chambers, air can be let out of the middle chamber to lower the pool sides

The pool can be easily inflated within ten minutes with the included power air pump. Baby Birth Pools includes a fitted disposable liner with your rental to ensure your hygiene and make clean up simple. A disposable fitted heat cover is also available for purchase for the Regular and Mini sized pool, to help maintain the water temperature.